Extend Yourself is Jamilla’s new Professional Pole Training.
- Jamilla Deville
- Showgirl
- Instructor
Foundational secrets of an exceptional athlete.
Jamilla’s Online Skype Lessons!
Book your private lesson with Jamilla in Las Vegas or at any of her tour stops.
IPDFA Instructor of the Year 2010/11, Jamilla is an international touring artist.
When & where to find Jamilla’s upcoming workshops!
Jamilla Deville’s unique workshop intensive series for pole performers.
- News
- Merchandise
The Art of Pole Collection by Jamilla Deville is the ultimate pole dancing instruction series.
Jamilla Deville gift certificates, tank tops, t-shirts, and pole training gear are all available online here.
- Press
Jamilla’s Official Press Kit. Choose PRESS in the menu bar above for access!
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