Jamilla will be featuring at the 2015 Pole For A Purpose at the Straz Center in Tampa, Florida, on August 15th. She will also be offering three special workshops on August 16th at Impulse Pole Dance. See the Event Page for more information and how to book for this and her workshops!
Tag Archives: feature artist
After a month and a half of touring the world, I’m home! I’ve had the honor of meeting amazing pole studio owners, instructors and students from studios in Australia, New Zealand, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Denmark, and Norway. I’m blessed to be able to have the traveling adventures that I do! With thanks to everyone who welcomed me so warmly and to my management, Poles On Tour, who take care of everything I can’t keep a handle on when I’m flying every other day.
While I’m home I will be teaching at Shine Fitness, and over the coming months I will also be touring the US, including feature performances at Ink’n’Iron Nashville, a return to Femme Fatale, OH, a first visit to Enchant Vertical Dance, WA, and a Crossfit/ Pole mix up at Steel Monkey, MS! In late August I will be setting off again, this time for Central and South America. For more details, see my online schedule. To book me for your studio or event, please contact my manager Kristy at Poles On Tour.
Whilst in Las Vegas, I am offering Online Skype Lessons. These are one on one classes in strength & conditioning, pole training, and flexibility, for students of all levels. For more details, contact me here!
Jamilla Touring Australia & New Zealand
Not long now until I set off for my home country! I can’t wait to see my family & pole friends again. Below is my schedule. Make sure you book in quickly (with the studios – links are below) as the final places in my workshops are going fast! I am also available for private lessons whilst in Sydney, at Studio Exclusive in Chatswood. Book in for private lessons in Sydney here. Check out Extend Yourself for the next level of performance training: May 5 & 6 at Studio Exclusive. Book in here!
April 24, 25: Pole Blitz, QLD
April 26, 27: Pole Play, QLD
April 27, 28: Studio 27, WA
April 30: Studio Exclusive, NSW – Private lessons only
May 2, 3: Dynamite, NZ – Workshops & Hell on Heels Art of Tease Show
May 4: Studio Exclusive – Private lessons only
May 5, 6: Studio Exclusive – Extend Yourself Professional Pole Training
May 7: Studio Exclusive – Private lessons only
Extend Yourself: Professional Pole Training
“Your playing small doesn’t serve the world” ~ Marianne Williamson
The pole world has grown in ten short years from a tiny, niche group to a global community complete with studios in every major city, online magazines, apparel producers, thriving brands and international championships. Our industry was built on a performance art that many now also call a sport. Yet for all the focus on performance, the art of presence and the way a performer connects with the audience seem mostly to be drowned out in favour of the level of difficulty of tricks.
There is so much more to performing than how many times you can flip your fonji or how flat your Jade split is. Strength, control, stamina, flexibility, and general quality of movement are very much part of a great show, but what use are big tricks if you are hiding, playing small, unable to connect with what you are doing, let alone the audience sitting in front of you?
What is this art of performing, of connecting, of being present in everything you do on stage? This is what I’m here to help you to bring life to. Train your body as an athlete and train your performance as an artist. Be the brightest, most magnificent version of yourself, for all the world to see. Extend Yourself!
For more, see the Extend Yourself page. There are only four places available in my two-day intensive, coming up May 5 & 6 at Studio Exclusive in Chatswood, Sydney, Australia. Contact me here to apply. I’m excited to receive your application & even more to dance with you!
Jamilla Deville: World Tour 2015
My tour schedule for 2015 is filling fast! When I’m not at home in Vegas teaching at Shine Alternative Fitness or Pole Fitness Studio, you will find me here:
March 6-10: Midwest USA
April 18, 19: Nashville USA
April 24-May 8: Australia & NZ
May 14-31: Europe – Ibiza Pole Camp, France, Greece, Switerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Norway
June 4-8: International Pole Convention, New Orleans, USA
August 19-31: South America – Chile
September 9-13: Pole Expo, Las Vegas, USA
For more details, check my Upcoming Events Page!
To request a booking, please contact my management, Poles On Tour.